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Ministries at Sacred Heart
Become a liturgical musician through the art of playing musical instruments, singing, and leading the community in worship.
Be a lector, server, hospitality minister, an extraordinary Eucharistic minister, Children Liturgy of the Word Minister, and Mass Coordinator to enhance our liturgies.
Great ways to serve Jesus!

Help with the process of RCIA in welcoming new members into the Church. Your Christian witness can make a powerful impact in someone's life.
Share Scripture with our children at the 10am Sunday Mass - use your creativity!
Wedding Host
Help couples to plan and feel comfortable at weddings.
Councils and Committees
Be a member of a commission, Committee, and council are great ways to help the parish in its normal operations as well as leadership.
Commissions: Franciscan Values and social concern, Stewardship, Spiritual Life, Formation.
Councils: Finance, Pastoral
Committees: Liturgy, Capital Campaign, Restoration
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